Thursday, April 22, 2010

Success begins today, not yesterday or tomorrow

Welcome to my blog! My name is Gibson, however some people call me GSiong, Siang or Mr.Chu. Few months ago, I met someone who changed my life by introducing a book called RICH DAD POOR DAD written by Robert Kiyosaki.

From the day onwards, I enjoy attending seminar, reading, public speaking and meeting stranger. I am not a member of Toastmasters but I enjoy speaking to large or small groups about improving their lives and helping them to find the motivation to do so.

By having an enthusiasm in personal financial and development, I wish to publish a book regarding to the subject in future. My goal in creating this blog is to share what I have learned and turn it into useful tools and concepts that you can use in your daily life. My objective will be succeeded if I can save your time, assist you to become more efficient, or provide tips for you to reorganize your life. I don’t claim to be an expert, but just a traveler on the path to success, who has discovered some cool things along the way. I value your ideas and feedback. Please feel free to leave comments and ideas on any post you find interesting.


  1. Congratulations~
    Go.. Go.. Go.....

  2. haha.. done a great job! let's gambate together!

  3. Hey mui mui long time didn't see u edi..u seem like change alot after u stay in sgp. . Anyway wish u all d best ya.. :)
