Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What goes through your mind when someone says "Investment"?‏

Have you ever had somebody approach you with a new investment product that seemed to be “Too good to be true?” What was your response? If you are like me, you probably had reservations and probably wondered what the real story was.

I’ve been tested enough faulty products, MLM businesses, and million dollar get rich schemes, that I am skeptical about anything that seems too easy or doesn’t require much time and effort.

Yet… what if found a cool new investment product… would you have enough faith to do it?

This is what Tony Fernandes founder of Air Asia's story was. He mortgaged his home and sank his savings to acquire the company, comprising two ageing Boeing 737-300 jets and USD$11 million (RM40 million) worth of debts, and transformed it into an industry player. Coming just after the 11 September 2001, undoubtedly the worst day in the history of commercial aviation when nobody wanted to fly, everyone thought that Fernandes had gone "crazy", predicting that the company would fail miserably. Yet, just one year after his takeover, AirAsia had broken even and cleared all its debts. Its initial public offering (IPO) in November 2004 was oversubscribed by 130 per cent.

In 2007, Forbes Asia valued Fernandes' personal wealth at $230 million ranking him at number 24 on the Forbes list of Malaysia's Richest.

So my question is .... Are you ready to invest?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What's GOAL mean to you?

I attended many preview or seminar about wealth, education and happiness . No matter what topics is it, the first things we have all been told that was to write down our own GOAL. But the issue is… where did you wrote it down? Can we often see them?

I have found that this is the biggest challenge, putting our written goals in a common place where we can reference them on a daily basis. If you don’t see them, they will soon be out of sight… and out of mind. We need a place that will allow us to take our goals with us and always be on. I’ve put my goals in my wallet (a piece of paper), mobile phone & laptop's wall paper because I spent almost all my time with it.

There are many ways you can write your goal. But before that, you need to write down a few words that describe where you want to be at each milestone. Remember : think BIG! When you can picture where you want to be a few years out it will help you solidify your shorter term goals. Of cause goals need to be specific, measurable, and actionable. Let me give you an idea.

My goal : Looks good for vacation
Specific: No more "BREAD FACE"!
Measurable : "Kua Chi shape"
Actionable : Daily 2 times face scrolling exercise & face lifting cream

Once you have set your goal. The most important part is to do it consistently and monitor the result. As we know, even we planned it very well, it doesn't mean we can achieve it every time. However, ask yourself. Are we getting closer or further of what we want?

For more information on goal setting please refer to our other posts.

Success Goals: Legos and Puzzle Pieces

Goal Setting Strategy: The 4-12-48 Solution

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Success begins today, not yesterday or tomorrow

Welcome to my blog! My name is Gibson, however some people call me GSiong, Siang or Mr.Chu. Few months ago, I met someone who changed my life by introducing a book called RICH DAD POOR DAD written by Robert Kiyosaki.

From the day onwards, I enjoy attending seminar, reading, public speaking and meeting stranger. I am not a member of Toastmasters but I enjoy speaking to large or small groups about improving their lives and helping them to find the motivation to do so.

By having an enthusiasm in personal financial and development, I wish to publish a book regarding to the subject in future. My goal in creating this blog is to share what I have learned and turn it into useful tools and concepts that you can use in your daily life. My objective will be succeeded if I can save your time, assist you to become more efficient, or provide tips for you to reorganize your life. I don’t claim to be an expert, but just a traveler on the path to success, who has discovered some cool things along the way. I value your ideas and feedback. Please feel free to leave comments and ideas on any post you find interesting.